Recruiting volunteers: also for your organization!
Create a free account and you can get started right away: post vacancies, find volunteers and follow training courses. You can also post your own events, trainings and workshops.
Create a free account and you can get started right away: post vacancies, find volunteers and follow training courses. You can also post your own events, trainings and workshops.

Recruiting volunteers for your organization is a challenge. How do I write a challenging vacancy text? How do I find the right volunteer for the job? How do I give a volunteer the best opportunities within my organization?
The team of Vrijwillig Velsen is happy to think and participate with you!
The team of Vrijwillig Velsen is happy to think and participate with you!
Information & Advice
Questions about volunteer policy, laws and regulations, national and local developments in the field of Voluntary Commitment?
You contact Vrijwillig Velsen also about this.
You contact Vrijwillig Velsen also about this.
Trainings & E-learnings
Do you want to get the best out of the volunteers within your organization or do you offer a nice training which is also interesting for volunteers from outside your organization? Vrijwillig Velsen offers an overview of the trainings offered by volunteers in the region.
50+ organizations are already members of Vrijwillig Velsen
MASSAGE FOR CARE. Will you join us?
With massage, the Massage for Care foundation is committed to people with whom verbal communication is ...
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