Wanted, a handy Harry!

Wanted, a handy Harry!

Organisation role · 2–3 hrs/Week
Keizer Wilhelmstraat, 1975 EA IJmuiden, Nederland
SupervisingConstructionSocial contactBefriendingDutch
HealthOlder people
3 Good health and well-being
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Woonzorgcentrum Breezicht
Scan me or visit en.vrijwilligvelsen.nl/o/Woonzorgcentrum-Breezicht/opportunities/Gezocht-een-handige-harry/82060 to join

Contact person


Wanted, a handy Harry.
Someone who is handy with a hammer, saw and wood.

Detailed description

Wanted, a handy Harry.

Someone who is handy with a hammer, saw and wood. But who also enjoys reporting it and making residents with a faltering brain feel useful again.

And can keep busy.

We make fun things, which may sometimes require some preparation, but on Wednesday afternoon we like to sit at the wood table on the square, together with other residents & reporters.

We would like to give more individual attention, do you think so? Will you join our creation team?

Let us know, we look forward to an introductory meeting.

What volunteers need

🗣️ Native language skills

Getting there

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About Woonzorgcentrum Breezicht

Residential care centre Breezicht is part of Zorgbalans and is located in Oud IJmuiden. The residents (most of whom have a faltering brain) live in their own apartment and have the opportunity to participate in many activities.
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