Moving coach

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Will you become a moving coach?
Through the relocation scheme Growing Older & Pleasant Living, seniors in the municipality of Velsen have the opportunity to move to a suitable home with priority. Most people who use this scheme can still arrange all matters concerning a move very well themselves or within their own network. But there are also people who cannot do this themselves and would like to receive help.
What is involved?
The process starts with searching for a suitable home together. You investigate the housing needs, help respond weekly to suitable homes in and look at what is needed now and in the future to move in a relaxed way. You map out which actions need to be carried out and when. As a supervisor, you pay attention to the emotions. Leaving the house where so many memories lie often releases a lot. When moving to a smaller home, not all furniture and possessions can be moved, and you help people make a choice in this. You have an advisory role with regard to the moving process. You are not actively involved in the executive activities of the move.
Are you curious? Please contact us by leaving a message. We will be happy to make an appointment at short notice.