Do you want to guide someone individually as a language coach?

Do you want to guide someone individually as a language coach?

Flexible location
WellbeingEducationCommunity & family
3 Good health and well-being8 Decent work and economic growth10 Reduced inequalities
The organiser has marked this opportunity as filled. Applications are closed. You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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Taalactief/Welzijn Velsen
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Detailed description

Do you have a few hours available a week and would you like to individually guide someone to become more linguistic? There are various options for guiding people: through teaching materials, depending on the language level and the needs of the person you are linked to.

You can choose to guide people from your own home or at people's homes or even choose a location in a public space such as a community center or library

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

🗣️ Native language skills

The organiser has marked this opportunity as filled. Applications are closed. You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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About Taalactief/Welzijn Velsen

Taal Actief Velsen offers:
- Language lessons and coaching at home, one on one (possibly in a community centre, library or elsewhere) for NT1 and NT2 students
- group lessons (beginners and slightly advanced)
- The Talk House; promote/improve Dutch speaking skills
- Literacy lessons in groups
- Computer lessons for NT-1ers and NT2ers
- Participation activities Women van Velsen and Beweeg Mee
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