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We have a vacancy for board member portfolio 'green and landscape', perhaps something for you?Detailed description
The Santpoort Foundation is looking for a Santpoorter who wants to become part of the board.
Our board consists of people who:
* to be enthusiastic about the cultural-historical value of the landscape and buildings in and around our villages;
* want to contribute to awareness and passion for those cultural-historical values in the village and beyond;
* want to contribute as a board member to what needs to be done to keep our foundation alive and healthy;
* and of course also have some time available. We have a board meeting every six weeks and depending on the activities taking place, some commitment is also required every week.
For the current vacancy we are looking for someone who:
* has an interest and affinity in the field of greenery and landscape;
* has an eye for the condition and quality of the landscape and greenery in both public and private spaces;
* sometimes wants to work on this in terms of policy and sometimes also in an informative and educational manner towards the residents of Santpoort.
🗣️ Native language skills
About Stichting Santpoort
The preservation, protection and, where possible, restoration of the valuable cultural-historical elements in the buildings and landscape in and around Santpoort
Representing the general interests with regard to the residential and living environment in Santpoort.
Santpoort Foundation:
Protects and enhances the landscape and space in and around Santpoort. By critically assessing new plans and taking action if necessary. But also by actively contributing to the development of, for example, visions, environmental plans, zoning plans, landscape policy and management plans.
Responds (pro)actively to possible threats to a good and pleasant living environment
Promotes monument policy through historical research, by writing about it in various media such as “De Zandpoort” and by applying for monument status or filing an objection in cases where a monument or cultural-historical element is threatened.
Provides solicited and unsolicited advice to the relevant authorities to promote the interests described in the objective
If necessary, takes legal action to promote the interests described in the objective