Will you become a volunteer for individual contact after a loss?

Will you become a volunteer for individual contact after a loss?

Organisation role · Flexible hours
Flexible location
WellbeingFaith-basedOlder people
3 Good health and well-being17 Partnerships for the goals
The organiser has marked this opportunity as filled. Applications are closed. You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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Stichting Nabestaandenzorg
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It can be nice to talk to someone after a death and get some support. We are looking for volunteers for this.

Detailed description

It can be nice to talk to someone after a death and get some support. That is the approach of 'Individual contact after loss'. For this initiative, the Survivors Care Foundation is looking for volunteers who would like to lend a listening ear and thus temporarily provide extra support to people whose loved one has died.

Volunteer 'Individual contact after loss':

As a volunteer 'Individual contact after loss' you will discuss the loss, the questions that come with it and reinterpreting the changed life. There are different ways of contact possible; Think of telephone contact, a visit to your home or, for example, a conversation during a walk.

Are you dealing with a death yourself and would you like to help someone else in a similar situation or do you feel involved with people who are dealing with loss? Would you like to lend a listening ear and support? Then register as a volunteer 'Individual contact after loss'.


When you register as a volunteer, you will first receive four half-day training. Attention is paid to different forms of communication, the grieving process and work as a volunteer. When you then start working as a volunteer, you regularly participate in consultation and intervision moments.

Survivor Care Foundation:

The Survivors Care Foundation is an information point where relatives can go with their questions and concerns regarding grief, loss and inheritance. The foundation also offers various (walking) discussion groups and Survivors Cafés where fellow sufferers can meet and talk to each other.

To register:

Are you interested or would you like more information? Please contact our individual contact coordinator Bertine

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs🤝 Extra support
The organiser has marked this opportunity as filled. Applications are closed. You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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About Stichting Nabestaandenzorg

The Survivor Care Foundation supports people who have recently lost a loved one. We do this by providing relevant information and tips, by individually guiding next of kin and by putting them in touch with fellow sufferers. The Foundation does this in the municipalities of Haarlem and Haarlemmermeer with a team of aftercare consultants and volunteers and in close cooperation with various partners in care and welfare and the funeral industry.

How do we do that?
- Organizing Relatives Cafés
- Providing various Talk Groups
- Offering Individual contact with expert volunteers
- Giving a helping hand by means of Flowers after the loss of a partner
- Providing (Preventive) information to professionals and next of kin
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