Will you become our Practice Supporter Loss?

Will you become our Practice Supporter Loss?

Organisation role · Flexible hours
Flexible location
AssistanceCare workSocial contactSupport workAccompanyingCoordinationFirst aid
WellbeingFaith-basedOlder people
3 Good health and well-being17 Partnerships for the goals
This volunteering opportunity is expired You can find other volunteering opportunities here.2 spots left.
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Stichting Nabestaandenzorg
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Do you want to assist people who are dealing with the loss of a loved one? Can you hear the question behind the story? Do you want to gain experience in feeding va

Detailed description

Will you become our Practice Supporter Loss?

Do you want to assist people who are dealing with the loss of a loved one? Can you hear the question behind the story? Do you want to gain experience in having conversations about grief and loss? Are you that guide where relatives can ask questions and discuss concerns? Become a Practitioner for Loss (PoV) at Stichting Bereaved Care.

What are you going to do?

You are the pivot in the organization. You receive the application and map it out. You talk to the applicant and investigate what need or request for help there is. You put the question to the relevant colleague (individual contact, discussion group, walking after Loss or Bereaved Café). It is also possible that the question cannot be answered directly within the foundation, then you can make a warm referral or transfer based on the social map. You monitor the plotted routes.

Because you have regular telephone contact with the next of kin, you will have access to a mobile phone.

You work closely with colleagues and are supported by administrative assistant and PR/communication employee. A duo function is negotiable. An internship is one of the possibilities.

What do we ask?

knowledge of grief and loss

· Flexible employability / you can determine your own agenda

· Approx. 4 hours a week

Are you interested or do you want more information about the position? Please contact Linda Frank General coordinator

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

🗣️ Native language skills

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs🤝 Extra support
This volunteering opportunity is expired You can find other volunteering opportunities here.2 spots left.
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About Stichting Nabestaandenzorg

The Survivor Care Foundation supports people who have recently lost a loved one. We do this by providing relevant information and tips, by individually guiding next of kin and by putting them in touch with fellow sufferers. The Foundation does this in the municipalities of Haarlem and Haarlemmermeer with a team of aftercare consultants and volunteers and in close cooperation with various partners in care and welfare and the funeral industry.

How do we do that?
- Organizing Relatives Cafés
- Providing various Talk Groups
- Offering Individual contact with expert volunteers
- Giving a helping hand by means of Flowers after the loss of a partner
- Providing (Preventive) information to professionals and next of kin
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