Looking for green fingers for our garden!

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Scan me or visit en.vrijwilligvelsen.nl/o/Molenweid/opportunities/Looking-for-green-fingers-for-our-garden/85493 to join
The Molenweid is a beautiful small house with 2 gardens where our residents like to sit. The plants but also the garden furniture like to get some extra attention.Detailed description
De Molenweid is a small-scale home with 2 beautiful gardens where our residents like to sit, especially in the summer.
All sorts of things grow here! Apples, pears, flowers, herbs and of course weeds! We also have a beautiful raised bed where vegetables or fruit can be grown and residents in wheelchairs or with walkers can also work on it.
We are looking for an enthusiastic volunteer to work in our garden with green fingers. It involves maintaining the plants, weeding between the stones and possibly planting some tasty things that we can use in the kitchen later.
Our wooden garden furniture could also use a makeover if you would like to do this.
You can either work alone or work in the garden with a resident. We can coordinate this in consultation.
If you want to work in the garden with a resident, this will mainly be on days when the weather is milder and you can work together on the raised bed.
If you become a volunteer with us, you will be guided by Aafje from welfare and activities. We find it important that you also feel at home as a volunteer at the Molenweid.
What volunteers need
🗣️ Native language skills
About Molenweid
The house is spacious and has 2 beautiful gardens where we like to sit with the residents. It is important to us that the residents can live as much as possible as they would at home. Everyone involved in De Molenweid is busy every day with creating meaningful activities for our residents.
We cook for our residents every day, often with support from the residents themselves. Other regularly recurring activities are gymnastics, dancing, creative afternoon, live music, bus trips, singing, walking, tandem cycling and much more.