A nice evening meal for 10 elderly people
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Our residents love a fresh and tasty evening meal. Will you come and cook in our living room for our residents?Detailed description
In the Molenweid, 10 residents live on each floor (we have 3 floors). In the evening they like to eat a nice fresh meal. They usually love a real Dutch pot, even though our residents also like other dishes from the world kitchen. When you cook you are in the kitchen which is open and in the living room. So you can talk to residents and colleagues at the same time. Several residents are happy to help with peeling potatoes or shelling beans.
The residents eat at 5.30 pm and you immediately cook for 2 colleagues and if you want for yourself. We can take care of the groceries in advance, but if you would like to arrange that yourself or want to do groceries with a resident, this is of course also possible!
At the moment, the care cooks itself every evening. They do this with love, but not having to cook in time so that they can do something else for the residents is very welcome. In addition, the residents also enjoy it when someone special comes to cook.
You will be guided by Aafje Witzel (welfare employee) and trained by colleagues from the healthcare sector. You can of course walk along a few times before you start cooking independently.
You can be linked to 1 floor or switch floors at a time. We maintain a minimum of 1 x per month for volunteer work. Of course you can.
🗣️ Native language skills
About Molenweid
The house is spacious and has 2 beautiful gardens where we like to sit with the residents. It is important to us that the residents can live as much as possible as they would at home. Everyone involved in De Molenweid is busy every day with creating meaningful activities for our residents.
We cook for our residents every day, often with support from the residents themselves. Other regularly recurring activities are gymnastics, dancing, creative afternoon, live music, bus trips, singing, walking, tandem cycling and much more.