Board members for PR and Finance Inloophuis Kennemerland

Board members for PR and Finance Inloophuis Kennemerland

Organisation role · Flexible hours
Wulverderlaan 51, 2071 BH Santpoort-Noord, Nederland
FinancialFundraisingMarketing & Communications
3 Good health and well-being

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Inloophuis Kennemerland
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Inloophuis Kennemerland (center for life with and after cancer) is looking for 2 board members: for PR/communication and Finance.

Detailed description

Inloophuis Kennemerland is a center for living with and after cancer. We have 3 hospitable locations where people from Central and South Kennemerland can go for contact with fellow sufferers, a conversation and activities aimed at dealing with the consequences of cancer. At the locations, the work is carried out by 3 part-time coordinators, activity supervisors and many volunteers.

The board is ultimately responsible for the entire organization. The board currently consists of 5 people with various expertise. The board meets every month.

We are urgently looking for enterprising and enterprising people who want to strengthen our board and contribute on a voluntary basis.

This concerns the PR and communication and finance portfolios.

Could this be something for you?

Board member with a focus on PR and communication

What do we expect?

· In consultation with the PR and communication working group consisting of a coordinator and a few volunteers, you make proposals for policy with which we can appeal to existing and new target groups throughout the service area

You implement this policy, together with board members, coordinators and volunteers

· You take care of good PR material in the corporate identity

· Co-designing various communication tools, such as website, newsletter, folders, facebook, etc.

· Maintaining contacts with the media

What are you bringing?

· Expertise and experience in the field of Communication and PR;

· Good communication and social skills

Board member with a focus on finance

What do we expect?

· Providing manual services in the accounting tasks in consultation with the treasurer and the coordinators

· Support in the preparation of budgets and forecasts

· Prepare and implement a plan of approach for fundraising and obtaining sponsorship money and gifts

· Support in applying for grants

What are you bringing?

· Financial insight and experience

· Experience with fundraising and obtaining donations

· Good computer skills (especially Excel)

· Good communication and social skills

Our new colleagues recognize themselves in the mission and vision of Inloophuis Kennemerland and propagate it. They are honest and have a great affinity with our target group.

Inloophuis Kennemerland has an ANBI status, falls under the Act on Management and Supervision of Legal Entities (WTBR) and applies the principles of Good Governance as much as possible.

The Inloophuis is a member of the IPSO industry association.

Got excited?

Have you become enthusiastic and do you want to volunteer for people with cancer and their loved ones? Or do you want to carry out the tasks without being part of the board?

Please send a motivation letter accompanied by a recent CV to the Inloophuis.

For more information about Inloophuis Kennemerland, see our website.

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

Getting there

This volunteering opportunity is expired You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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About Inloophuis Kennemerland

Inloophuis Kennemerland is a center for living with and after cancer. People can come here for contact with fellow sufferers, a conversation and activities aimed at dealing with the consequences of cancer.
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