Board member of Hospice De Heideberg, portfolio CHAIRMAN

Board member of Hospice De Heideberg, portfolio CHAIRMAN

Organisation role · Flexible hours · Starting from 1 Jun 2024
Wulverderlaan 1, 2071 BG Santpoort-Noord, Nederland
WellbeingHealthOlder people
3 Good health and well-being
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Hospice De Heideberg
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Detailed description

Vacancy board member, Chairman of the board of Hospice De Heideberg


About the foundation

Hospice De Heideberg (Stichting Volunteer Terminal Care IJmond) is committed to providing care and support to fellow human beings in the palliative-terminal phase of life in our region. We guide, support and care for people in a loving manner in the terminal phase of their lives. Our hospice has four guest rooms available for this purpose. We have an intensive collaboration between our volunteers, nurses from De ZorgSpecialist and the guest's own GP. In addition, the volunteers of our foundation provide support to terminal patients at home and in the nursing home. Our foundation is affiliated with VPTZ-Nederland and with the palliative care network Central and South Kennemerland.

Due to the resignation of the position by the current chairman, we are looking for a:

Chairman of the Board

About the board

The foundation's board consists of 5-7 volunteers: people with a connection with the foundation's work (area). The board members each bring different knowledge and experience. The board is ultimately responsible for all decisions regarding the organization's policies and facilities. The board develops this policy in collaboration with the coordinators, who then implement the policy. The board fulfills the role of employer for the two coordinators and the housekeeping staff and has final financial responsibility.

Job content

The person we are looking for:

· is the face of the hospice on official occasions;

· has contacts with the press and media, including writing a column in a local weekly magazine;

· is a full member of the board and chairs the board meetings;

· develops policy proposals within the area of interest in collaboration with the various board members and monitors progress;

· consults with and supports the coordinators regarding current issues surrounding the hospice;

· meets with the board 7 to 8 evenings per year, represents the board at meetings with volunteers or network partners (4 to 5 times per year) and, if desired, advises coordinators and other stakeholders within Hospice De Heideberg.

Job requirements and desired skills

· HBO/Academic working and thinking level;

· lives in the nearby region and has a relevant network;

· management experience is desirable;

· affinity with palliative terminal care and working in a volunteer organization is desirable;

· communication skills, connecting networker and a proactive attitude;

· strategic thinker.

Reward for volunteer work

· pleasant collaboration in an educational context that offers great satisfaction;

· the position is unpaid, liability insurance has been taken out.

Further information

Jan Bakker, chairman / Ger Pel, secretary

Santpoort-Noord, May 15, 2024

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

🗣️ Native language skills

Getting there

The organiser has marked this opportunity as filled. Applications are closed. You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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About Hospice De Heideberg

Spending the last phase of your life in the place you are most familiar with, surrounded by loved ones. At home, or if that is not possible, in the homely atmosphere of a hospice. Our expert, loving employees do everything they can to make that last period as comfortable as possible, together with professional care.
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