Looking for a family companion for a single mother with a growing child
Organisation role · 2–3 hrs/Week
IJmuiden, Noord-Holland, Nederland
WellbeingHealthCommunity & family
![3 Good health and well-being](/sdgs/en/SDG-Goal-03.png)
![10 Reduced inequalities](/sdgs/en/SDG-Goal-10.png)
Contact person
Maartje LipsAsk Maartje a question
Gezinsmaatje Velsen
Scan me or visit en.vrijwilligvelsen.nl/o/Gezinsmaatje-Velsen/opportunities/Gezinsmaatje-gezocht-voor-alleenstaande-moeder-met-opgroeiende-kind/50537 to join
Scan me or visit en.vrijwilligvelsen.nl/o/Gezinsmaatje-Velsen/opportunities/Gezinsmaatje-gezocht-voor-alleenstaande-moeder-met-opgroeiende-kind/50537 to join
Detailed description
Mother Susan and her son (8 years old) are having a great time together.
But sometimes it's difficult.
Then he wants this and she wants that and they get into a fight.
Susan would like someone to think along with her about how she can do things differently and to get some tips. Whether it's about game use, bedtimes or what her son really needs to do himself.
But going out together is more fun than alone.
About Gezinsmaatje Velsen
Supporting families through friendly, trusted contact