Looking for family mate that speaks Tigrinya
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Scan me or visit en.vrijwilligvelsen.nl/o/Gezinsmaatje-Velsen/opportunities/Gezinsmaatje-gezocht-dat-Tigrinya-spreekt/63198 to join
Looking for a family buddy for an Eritrean mother with a 9-month-old childDetailed description
Anna is a single mother from Eritrea. She has not long lived in the municipality of Velston with her 1-year-old daughter. It is not always easy to be a mother , for example, she wants someone to figure out how to let her daughter sleep in her bed . We are looking for someone who speaks Tigrinya because Dutch is difficult to express himself properly. It is also good if you speak Dutch or English because we want to communicate with you.
Anna is a foreign mother from Eritrea. Ze woont sinds short tijd in de gemeente Velsen met haar dochtertje van 9 months. Het valt haar niet altijd mee om moeder te zijn, ze zou graag willen dat someone met haar meedenkt, bijvoorbeeld over hoe ze haar dochtertje in haar eigen bed kan laten laten laten. Since the Dutch language is not much about how good it is to drink, we hope to speak in the Tigrinya language.