

Task · 2–4 hrs
Flexible location
Nature & sustainabilityPoverty reduction
7 Affordable and clean energy9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure11 Sustainable cities and communities
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Energiek IJmond, Energie coöperatie
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Contact person

Gerard JägersAsk Gerard a question


Energiek IJmond is looking for a good treasurer for its board, who will shape the financial policy of the cooperative as a volunteer. This concerns gr

Detailed description

In the context of the necessary energy transition, it is necessary to realize larger projects. For this purpose, Energiek Velsen works together with other energy cooperatives. This partnership is called Energiek IJmond. This serves the North-Kennemerland region.


We strive to ensure that residents benefit from the income

and/or of attractively priced sustainable electricity.


To realize these projects we work together with professional partners,

Energiek IJmond is looking for a good treasurer for its board, who will shape the financial policy of the cooperative as a volunteer. These are major investments.

This volunteering opportunity is expired You can find other volunteering opportunities here.1 spot left.
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About Energiek IJmond, Energie coöperatie

In the context of the necessary energy transition, it is necessary to realize larger projects. The Energiek IJmond partnership of a number of local cooperatives is working on this. in the North Kennemerland region.
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