Digitale copywriter & Social media expert

Digitale copywriter & Social media expert

Organisation role · Flexible hours
2061 LM, Bloemendaal, Noord-Holland, Nederland
People with disabilitiesHealthWellbeing
3 Good health and well-being11 Sustainable cities and communities12 Responsible consumption and production
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De Ark Haarlem
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De Ark HaarlemAsk De Ark a question


There is a lot to tell about daily life in De Ark. You translate this into articles, posts on our social media and newsletters.

Detailed description

The Ark Community Haarlem in Bloemendaal is looking for one

digital copywriter for our website and social media.

De Ark is a community in which people with and without intellectual disabilities live, work and celebrate together. We do this in our home, our creative workshop and our garden. De Ark consists of a large group of people who are very different: housemates, participants, paid employees, volunteers, parents and family, donors, friends and followers in the region and far beyond the borders.

There is a lot to tell about daily life in De Ark. Because a lot of fun things happen, because a lot of beautiful things are made or grow in the garden, and because there are often special encounters. We also need to recruit: participants, volunteers, employees, friends and funds. Publicity is important to us. It is also part of our mission: we want to work towards an inclusive society.

Who are we looking for?

· someone who can write news items for our website, enrich them with a photo and publish them and keep our website up to date;

· can regularly prepare and send a MailChimp newsletter;

· can post photos and messages on social media;

· and can help us with the introduction and implementation of a new corporate identity and/or a communication strategy.

Of course, you can't do all of this on your own. You need the help of others in De Ark, they must provide you with photos, messages or texts. You then turn it into something beautiful and easy to read and publish it.

For this you need:

· Get to know De Ark and regularly visit the workshop, the house, the garden and at community events;

· (also) thinks in images and can write well;

· can handle media such as Wordpress, Mailchimp, Facebook, Instagram, etc.;

· have a feeling for the special nature of our community and for the world of people with intellectual disabilities;

· are creative, flexible, show initiative and independent.

What do we ask of you?

· that the many employees of De Ark know where to find you with their messages and photos;

· that you are or can be present at all kinds of times;

· and that you post or publish something with (great) regularity.

What do we offer you?

· a very nice and interesting working environment: nice people, beautiful stories, special events;

· in an international and professional context;

· any expenses will of course be reimbursed.

Are you interested? Do you want to put De Ark on the map, locally, regionally and internationally? Or do you know someone who could do that? Send a message!

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

🗣️ Native language skills

Getting there

This volunteering opportunity is expired You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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About De Ark Haarlem

De Ark is all about encounters: different people who meet and get to know each other with kindness and warmth. People who pay attention and take care of each other. People who together form a community, in which everyone is given space, is seen, appreciated and can flourish.

In the Arkcommunity Haarlem, people with and without intellectual disabilities live together every day in Arkhuis Pelletier. People with a distance to regular work come to work in our Workshop and Tuinderij. People who want to cooperate in the house, garden or workshop and people who want to sympathize with our housemates and participants together form a community. A community that is open to many and that is also inspired by them.

Enriching differences
People are different: every person has his own qualities, talents, shortcomings and limitations. We believe that dealing with people who are different is enriching. As far as we are concerned, this applies in particular to people with intellectual disabilities.

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