Board secretary for De Ark

Board secretary for De Ark

Organisation role · Flexible hours
2061 LM, Bloemendaal, Noord-Holland, Nederland
People with disabilitiesHealthWellbeing
3 Good health and well-being11 Sustainable cities and communities12 Responsible consumption and production

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De Ark Haarlem
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De Ark is looking for someone who supports the board administratively and organisationally.

Detailed description

De Ark is a young, growing and unique living/working community, where people with and without intellectual disabilities live together, work together and celebrate together.


Ark consists of: a residential house, where nine people share life;


workshop, where six people with a mental disability come every day

to work;


market garden, where organic vegetables are grown for about 80 households,


a large community of people who keep it running and a warm

give heart. These are parents and relatives, neighbours, friends, donors and

people who are drawn to our spirituality.


Ark Haarlem is part of L'Arche , de

international federation of ark communities.



approx. 15 paid employees, many volunteers are active in De Ark, including

the five members of the foundation board. They meet about six times a year

year. It is a remote administration, which is responsible for the

Ark community supported or advised where necessary.



If you would like to lend a hand to the board, you are more than welcome. We're looking for someone

in a timely manner and in consultation with the chairman and the community manager

prepares an agenda and sends it with the accompanying documents. Someone who

takes minutes of the meeting and stores the minutes and documents in an accessible manner. Further

make your annual meeting schedule.


secretary you are not part of the board itself.

Time investment


meetings take place on Wednesday afternoons, starting at 4:00 PM. In the weeks

for that you spend a few hours preparing it. Obviously must

the minutes are worked out and any actions are followed up. In addition

are you at heart involved in the entire community, which will be in the years to come

will continue to grow on the newly built Dennenheuvel in Bloemendaal.



as the board members, the secretary does not get paid, but if you want you can

share in all the joys (and sorrows) of our


What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

🗣️ Native language skills

Getting there

The organiser has marked this opportunity as filled. Applications are closed. You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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About De Ark Haarlem

De Ark is all about encounters: different people who meet and get to know each other with kindness and warmth. People who pay attention and take care of each other. People who together form a community, in which everyone is given space, is seen, appreciated and can flourish.

In the Arkcommunity Haarlem, people with and without intellectual disabilities live together every day in Arkhuis Pelletier. People with a distance to regular work come to work in our Workshop and Tuinderij. People who want to cooperate in the house, garden or workshop and people who want to sympathize with our housemates and participants together form a community. A community that is open to many and that is also inspired by them.

Enriching differences
People are different: every person has his own qualities, talents, shortcomings and limitations. We believe that dealing with people who are different is enriching. As far as we are concerned, this applies in particular to people with intellectual disabilities.

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