Volunteer Toad Working Group Velsen

Contact person
Scan me or visit en.vrijwilligvelsen.nl/o/Amfibieenbescherming-Kennemerland/opportunities/Volunteer-Toad-Working-Group-Velsen/89240 to join
Help transfer amphibians safely. Preferably for a fixed time during the week: 'picking up' in the evening and/or emptying buckets in the morning. Velserenderlaan areaDetailed description
General information for volunteers :
Throughout Kennemerland, 16 toad working groups are active at 37 different migration locations. Approximately 20,000 toads, frogs and salamanders are safely transferred by more than 300 volunteers each year. In Velsen, approximately 20-25 volunteers are active each year.
However, amphibians are under great pressure due to various causes, including increased traffic intensity. Their numbers have declined by 60% since 2000.
The amphibian migration usually takes place in the period from mid-February to mid-April, but can start earlier and/or continue longer due to (changing) weather conditions. To contribute as a volunteer, a fixed time in the week (more is also possible) is preferred. The activity consists of 'picking up' amphibians in the evening before they end up on the road and/or emptying buckets along guides in the morning. If the temperatures are too low and/or there is too much wind, no migration takes place. Send an email if you are interested in this volunteer work and/or for more information.